Saturday, January 16, 2010

Get Your Plans to Paper

Thinking about your dreams, plans, goals for the New Year? To get out of the fog that makes it difficult to face even each new day, make plans for your life. Know your life is useful. Make it so.

Forget about the fact that it's the middle of January, you can still make plans for yourself this year. Make it easier, though... Plan for this month first. The New Year transition is not the stop-gap resolution plan for everyone. (It really shouldn't be at all.)

As you make your changes this time, however, do something different with the process: Stop thinking about it all...

1. Write down your plans. What do you want? What do you want to do? Write down the answers to those questions. When you let the images trinkle from your mind through your fingers and pen, you're strengthening your mindset to make it all happen.

2. Cut out images from a magazine (or print them from your computer generated searches) that represent your plans. They're no longer dreams - they are indeed plans.

3. After you write them down, make them a part of your mental messages throughout the course of the day on your computer. Check out the Dream Manifestation Wizard! It's a super tool to keep you focused on your own purpose for each day.

There is no need to keep your positive thoughts bottled up in your mind. They are your desires... your plans. Make them real. Write them down. Print them out. Put the visual out there for you to see with your eyes and watch the reality of your life come to fruition.

In my next post, I'll offer detailed ways to meet goals that have been very helpful...

See you soon.